Course curriculum

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    Cultural Competency Training (CCT) Online Workbook

    • CCTWorkbookFY2020-191023-151230

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    Cultural Competency Training (CCT) Module 1

    • CCT Module 1: Awareness of Frames of Reference Presentation

    • CCT Module 1: Awareness of Frames of Reference

    • CCT Module 1: Awareness of Frames of Reference Summary

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    Cultural Competency Training (CCT): Module 2

    • CCT Module 2: Understanding Implicit Bias Presentation

    • Implicit Bias / Advertising Video - Corresponds with Slide 6 of CCT Module 2: Understanding Implicit Bias

    • Hyperlink to the Case Study Book on Diversity and Social Justice in Education

    • Intersectionality Video - Corresponds with Slide 17 of CCT Module 2: Understanding Implicit Bias

    • CCT Module 2: Understanding Implicit Bias

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    Cultural Competency Training (CCT): Module 3

    • CCT Module 3: Awareness of Impact

    • The Danger of a Single Story Video - Corresponds with Slide 5 of CCT Module 3: Awareness of Impact

    • Microagressions Videos - Corresponds with Slide 8 of CCT Module 3: Awareness of Impact

    • School to Prison Pipeline Video - Corresponds with Slide 10 of CCT Module 3: Awareness of Impact

    • CCT Module 3: Awareness of Impact

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    CCT Module 4: Moving Toward Action

    • CCT Module 4: Moving Toward Action

    • CCT Module 4: Top Resources and CCT Online Evaluation

    • CCT Module 4: "Every Kid Need a Champion"

    • CCT Module 4: Moving Toward Action

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    Cultural Competency Training (CCT) MN PELSB Certificate

    • Cultural Competency Training (CCT) MN PELSB Certificate